Virginia Gets Its Own Bachmann

Virginia is a competitive state.  It doesn’t like to be outdone, especially when it comes to conservative fanaticism.  Just when the residents thought it couldn’t possibly become more ridiculous than a Ken Cuccinelli run at the Governorship, a new lunatic has stepped up to seize the Holy Cup of Cray-Cray.  Meet E.W. Jackson, the Republican candidate for Lt. Governor, who makes Cooch’s Teapublicanism look like a Disneyland B ticket.

Jackson is a lawyer and Baptist minister who thinks that yoga leads to Satanic possession and that Planned Parenthood is worse for black people than the KKK.  In the Jackson world view climate change advocates are hysterical (not in that good way, either), and you can’t find a single mention of him that doesn’t refer somewhere in the text to his rabidly homophobic slurs.  Oh yeah, and giving him money is as good as giving God money, and much better than charitable giving to the poor.  (He really is a modern politician.)

In short, Virginia has found its own Michele Bachmann wannabe–a candidate potentially so publicly embarrassing that he causes people to think twice about relocating to the state.  On a positive note, The Daily Show and Colbert Report will not lack for fodder, so maybe we’ll get some rubbernecking tourist traffic from this trainwreck.

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